My artwork encompasses nature, light, movement, and layering of color through a dispersal of materials in an abstract form. By isolating and repeating shapes to create new sequences, I reveal a relationship of space that surrounds me daily. The content is based on daily activities that I encounter on a physical visual level of running, being outside with animals, interacting with others, viewing objects, and spaces that surround me daily. Viewing sunlit windows, traffic zooming past, laughter, relationships I build, landscapes I see is all collaborated together creating a personal vision to my work
I think about the aspects of mapping out and tracking my body throughout these daily experiences. Parts of my work are made up of rubbings of the spaces that incorporate my runs and daily treks to places I inhabit with others, as well as the farm I grew up on. I am responding to my surroundings when I do rubbings and paintings to then sew and collage them together. I cut out shapes of the loops I have ran earlier that day or what my body was doing as a repetitive action. The process is translated to a lived experience of activating a surface, emphasizing speed, scale, mapping, giving ratification to each object. I am investigating the value we place on objects that surround us and how meaning resides in places we inhabit.My energy and thoughts are brought into the studio as a place to unload, depositing all of my experience into my paintings.
It’s not possible to separate my experiences from my art, because so much of my art is about my experiences. I make what I feel when I experience a space that surrounds me – the power and energy – the emotion. It’s a very physical action to make these large works of repetitive patterns, motion, and routine. My studio is a space to unload my ideas, the process of making is so immediate. I am directly touching all materials and the immediacy of the hand transforms the materials in the studio into what I see and experience all around me. It’s the journey of life that gives me the freedom to create. I hope to inspire others to explore their local environment. I want to develop something unique for the viewer to enjoy while expanding their imagination.